18F fever ,cold,cough,backpain from 4 days

Patient came to the OPD with the chief complaints of Fever cold cough back pain since four days
Fever was sudden and onset and gradually progressive  fever increases during night and decreases during morning 
backpain was dragging type and aggrevates on fever 
dry cough
no significant past history
N/o of diabetes mellitus, asthma, hypertension, thyroid, CAD, CVA, T.B
personal  history  :
appetite is  reduced
mixed diet
sleep is adequate
bowel and bladder movements  are normal 
no addictions  
general examination  :
no pallor 
no icterus 
no cyanosis 
no clubbing 
no lymphadenopathy 
no edema 
her pulse was 72 bpm 
resp.rate 16rpm
b.p 120/80mm of hg


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