45F white discharge from 2-3 months , fever in nights, and lost weight about 3kgs in 10 days and body pains from 2 months

 45F came to the opd with c/o white discharge from2-3 months and fever in nights  and body pains from 2months  and loss of weight in past 10 days about 3kgs 

white discharge is like watery  consistency 

fever is sudden and onset and relieves on medication 

body pains are of dragging type 

no significant past history 

N/o asthma, thyroid, diabetes mellitus, CAD, CVA 

she is a known case of hypertension  since 3years and on medication  of amlodipine 5mg 

personal history: appetite is  normal 

diet is mixed 

sleep is disturbed  due to body pains 

bowel and bladder movements  are normal 

no addictions 

general examination  :

no pallor  

no icterus 

no edema 

no lympahadenopathy 

no cyanosis 

no clubbing 

pulse :66bpm

b.p :160/100mmof Hg

resp.rate :29rpm


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