74M cold Since 4 days Fever , cough, neckpain,bodypains since 3 days

patient came to  the OPD with the cheap compliants of  cold Since 4 days and fever, body pains, cough, neck pain since 3 days
Fever is Insidious in onset and gradually progressive leg pains are of throbbing type from mid thigh to ankle and radiates to t h i g h during sleeping 
retro orbital brain is present 
burning sensation in Eyes is present from 3 days 
no significant part history
 no history of diabetes mellitus hypertension asthma TB CVA  CAD 
 personal history 
sleep is disturbed
appetite is reduced 
mixed diet 
burning micturition since 3 days bowel movementsare normal occasional alcoholic drinker 
no other addictions 
no significant family history
 general e examination
 no pallor
no icterus
 no lymphadenopathy 
no edema no cyanosis
no clubbing 
his pulse was 76 BPM 
respiratory rate 26 bpm
 blood pressure 110 / 70 mm of hg


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